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Rimgaudas Žilinskas

Dentist (license No. OPL-00882), Head of the Clinic


In 1992, he graduated from Kaunas Medical Academy, in 1993 – general practice dental residency. Since 1997, he was engaged in private practice. In 1999, he had an internship in Germany, and in 2001, he attended the Ivoclar Vivadent training courses in Liechtenstein. In 2002, he attended a dental conference in Milan. In 2005, R. Žilinskas studied the CAD / CAM technology at Dr. A. Lobač clinic in Moscow, and began working with CEREC 3D software. In March 2007, he participated in a conference in Tokyo, Japan. In October 2007, he studied in Germany and acquired knowledge relating to the use of blocks produced by Ivoclar Vivadent, and began to use them in his clinic. In October 2009, he participated in the international CAD / CAM conference held in Dubai (UAE). R. Žilinskas is a member of the Lithuanian Dental Chamber.

On 30 September 1994, he attended lectures on dental issues.

On 28 November 1994, he participated in Ivoclar Vivadent training courses on restorative dentistry held in Vilnius.

On 1 April 1995, he attended lectures on prevention and adhesion in dentistry.

On 15 August 1995, attended lectures on individual prevention, effective prevention of tooth decay held in Riga, Latvia.

On 5 September 1995, he participated in the seminar on issues of orthopaedic dentistry organized by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 28 September 1995, he participated in lectures on dental issues.

On 25 November 1995, he participated in the conference – seminar “Aesthetic Dentistry. The temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction. Aesthetic Charisma filling material. Prevention of dental chewing surfaces from tooth decay with sealants Estiseal LC”.

On 10 December 1995, he participated in lectures and seminars on adhesion in dentistry organised by Vilnius University.

On 2 March 1996, he participated in lectures on dental Issues held in Kaunas branch of Lithuanian Dental Association.

On 30 March 1996, he participated in lectures on helium fillings, professional oral hygiene in dental disease prevention, health problems and reform directions in Lithuania held by Kaunas branch of Lithuanian Dental Association.

On 26 September 1996, he participated in lectures on dental Issues held at the IVth International Specialized Exhibition BALTMEDICA, BALTFARMA, BALTDENT, BALTOPTIC 96.

On 26 October 1996, he participated in the seminar Dent Art – Aesthetic Restoration held by Vilnius branch of Lithuanian Dental Association.

On 15 November 1996, he participated in lectures on issues of periodontology.

On 6 December 1996, he participated in lectures on use of metal-plastic in dentistry, metal-ceramic prosthetics and frequent errors, traumatic occlusion and its treatment, urgent dental treatment organised by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 25 September 1997, he participated in lectures on disinfection materials in dentistry, use of 3M materials in all clinical stages of dental restoration, glass ionomer cement and resin-modified glass ionomers for filing and composite bonding, possibilities of re-treatment and prosthesis after unsuccessful endodontic treatment, Dyract AP – reinforced compomer for front and back teeth restoration organised by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 7 March 1998, he participated in lectures on incorrect composite filling and the reasons of- canal filling, modern KERR composites and bonding system (innovation), modern principles of cavity preparation and medical treatment, the most important requirements for the quality of filing, the use of the most modern techniques for successful expansion and filling of root canals organised by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 27 March 1998, he participated in lectures on surgical innovations 1998 organized by Dental Clinic of Vilnius University.

On 2 May 1998, he participated in lectures on aesthetic principles in dentistry, on the possibilities in therapeutic dental aesthetics, dental whitening, coating and contour restoration, porcelain coating with blocks, ceramic inlays, onlays as an alternative to crowns, implants and aesthetics organized by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 24 September 1998, he participated in lectures presented at the international seminar on the creation of dynamic chewing system during dental implants prosthesis, recent achievements in dental implants.

On 24 September 1998, he participated in lectures on treatment or harm of fluorine effects, the importance of toothpaste composition in the prevention of dental caries, chewing gum as part of routine dental care, chewing gum ingredients, prevention program of dental caries in Japan, new trends in preventive dentistry and practical use of preventive measures presented at the International Conference on the Prevention of Dental Caries.

On 24 October 1998, he participated in lectures on the use of modern composites for the production of temporary prostheses, various binding systems in orthopaedic dentistry, inlays and onlays as a reliable dental restoration method, screw implants usability in aesthetic dentistry, the use of new analgesic Ketanov in dental practice, possibilities of preparation of root canals using modern endodontic instruments, use of glass ionomer cements for restoration of molars instead of amalgams, aesthetic restoration by composites and new generation bonding systems presented at the International Conference on Dental Restoration, Techniques and Materials.

On 13 November 1998, he participated in lectures on composite filling materials, harmful effects of some dental materials, examples of clinical practice, and clinical endodontic methods presented at the international seminar in Kaunas Medical University.

On 18 December 1998, he participated in lectures on composition and functioning of Blend-a-Med Toothpaste, sugar substitutes in caries prophylactic, sanitary mouthwashes, cavities and materials to ensure the success of their treatment, new teeth whitening technologies and prospects organised by Kaunas Medical University.

On 14 -16 January 1999, he participated in the theoretical seminar organized by the Faculty of Odonthology of Kaunas Medical Academy about occlusion, its norms, correction, and correction methods, and diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders.

From 8 March 1999 to 2 April 1999, he studied at Doctors’ Training Department of Medical Faculty of Vilnius University and attended the training course on hard tooth tissue diseases, decay, its complications and treatment.

On 26 March 1999, he participated in lectures at the Dental Clinic of Vilnius University on Dental Innovations 1999 “.

From 31 January 2000 to 11 February 2000 he studied at Doctors’ Training Department of Medical Faculty of Vilnius University and attended the course on clinical periodontology.

On 18 March 2000, he participated in lectures on the possibilities of dental implants by applying controlled bone regeneration, the effective use of the 3M grinding and polishing system, new trends and prospects in endodontics organised by Kaunas Medical Academy.

On 16 September 2000, he participated in an international seminar on the Millennium Dentistry: Adhesion, Dental Trauma and Aesthetics organised by Kaunas Medical University.

On 10 March 2001, he attended a conference in Kaunas on aesthetic in dentistry.

On 15 October 2001, he took part in Ivoclar Vivadent training courses in Liechtenstein on adhesion in dental restoration, cementation.

From 18 October 2001 to 20 October 2001, he participated in Ivoclar Vivadent training courses in Liechtenstein on Ivoclar Vivadent materials, their use and applicable methods.

From 12 November 2001 to 16 November 2001, he studied at the Doctors’ Training Department of Medical Faculty of Vilnius University and attended the course on endodontic retreatment and its opportunities, and forecast.

On 21-22 March 2003, he took part in the scientific-practical conference on achievements and practice of dental science organised by Vilnius University.

On 26 September 2003, he participated in the scientific-practical conference SCIENCE IN DENTAL PRACTICE organised by Vilnius University.

From 26 January 2004 to 31 January2004, he attended training at the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University on surgical treatment of periapical lesion.

From 6 September 2004 to 9 September 2004, he attended training at the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medical of Vilnius University on fixed prostheses.

From 4 October 2004 to 7 October 2004, he attended training at the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University on prints and temporary prostheses.

From 26 January 2005 to 28 January 2005, he attended training at the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University on the application of ultrasonic scalers and microscope for the endodontic retreatment.

From 18 October 2005 to 20 October 2005, he attended training at the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University on focal infection and endodontic treatment.

From 22 November 2005 to 25 November 2005, had an internship with the Dental Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine of Vilnius University under the dental specialty program.

On 9 December 2005, he participated in the seminar on dental theory and practice philosophy, control of infections.

On 26 February 2006, he studied the CAD / CAM technology at Dr. A. Loboc clinic in Moscow, Russia.

On 1 December 2006, he participated in the lecture in Kaunas on anterior and posterior teeth restorations.

On 22 April 2007, he participated in the theoretical and practical seminar in Vilnius on professional practical course of NOBELRONDO ceramics.

On 15-21 October 2007, he attended training in Germany on Ivoclar Vivadent all-ceramic blocks, and began to use them in his clinic.

On 1 December 2007, he participated in the scientific-practical conference on prosthetics and filing development and its clinical aspects.”

On 23 February 2008, he participated in the scientific and practical conference on the issues of periodontology organised in Vilnius

On 26 April 2008, he attended the professional development event on oral surgery in dentist practice, competence and responsibilities.”

On 24-25 October 2008, he participated in the conference on IPS e.max CAD-Workshop in Dubai.

On 5 December 2008, he participated in the professional development event on clinical infection; risk factors in dental offices.

On 6 December 2008, he attended a course for dentists and dental technicians on the function and practical use of the facial arch and articulator held in Šiauliai.

On 28 March 2009, he participated in practical training courses of Crisis Management Centre in Vilnius on acute states in dental practice.

On 4 April 2009, he participated in the conference on dental Issues in Panevėžys.

From 9 October 2009 to 13 October 2009, he participated in special training organised by company Ivoclar Vivadent in Germany on IPS e.max materials, IPS Empress in aesthetics.

On 11 October 2014, he participated in the theoretical seminar on dental issues.

On 13 December 2014, he participated in the seminar on the basics of implants prosthesis.

On 8-9 May 2015, he attended the course on practical glimpse into the periodontal tissue and microsurgical periodontology.

On 16-17 October 2015, he participated in the course on advanced implantology.

Algirdas Lukošiūnas

Doctor of Medicine; associate professor; oral and maxillofacial surgeon (License No MPL-08740)

In 1994, he graduated from Kaunas Medical Academy and acquired the medical qualification, and was granted a license to pursue the professional qualifications of a doctor of maxillofacial surgeon.

Dissertation: Objectification of risk factors of traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw and the peculiarities of surgical treatment.

Scientific degree: Doctor

Date of defence of the dissertation: 21 June 2002.

Major publications over the past 5 years:

Publications of scientific sources, scientific reviews, articles in cultural, professional and popular science publications:

Kubilius, Ričardas; Lukošiūnas, Algirdas; Sabalys, Gintautas Pranas. Ortopantomografija // Stominfo. (Diagnostika). 2006, Nr. 4, p. 46-50.

Kučiauskienė, Dovilė; Lukošiūnas, Algirdas; Sabalys, Gintautas Pranas; Kubilius, Ričardas. Hyperbaric oxygenation in maxillofacial surgery // Stomatologija: Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal : Supplement : “Baltic Compass” Oulu – Kaunas : 2nd international congress of odontology and maxillofacial surgery : Kaunas, Lithuania, 9-10 June, 2006=2-asis odontologų ir veido bei žandikaulių chirurgų tarptautinis kongresas : 2006 birželio 9-10, Kaunas, Lietuva : programa/programme; santraukos/abstracts. Kaunas : Viešoji įstaiga „Odontologijos studija“. (Santraukos/abstracts). ISSN 1392-8589. 2006, vol. 8, no. 1, suppl. 2, p. 29–30, abstract no. 65. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
Sakavičius, Dalius; Lukošiūnas, Algirdas; Bojarskas, Stasys; Kubilius, Ričardas. Surgical treatment of condyle fractures // Stomatologija : Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal : Supplement : “Baltic Compass” Oulu – Kaunas : 2nd international congress of odontology and maxillofacial surgery : Kaunas, Lithuania, 9-10 June, 2006=2-asis odontologų ir veido bei žandikaulių chirurgų tarptautinis kongresas : 2006 birželio 9-10, Kaunas, Lietuva : programa/programme; santraukos/abstracts. Kaunas : Viešoji įstaiga „Odontologijos studija“. (Santraukos/abstracts). ISSN 1392-8589. 2006, vol. 8, no. 1, suppl. 2, p. 22–23, abstract no. 45. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
Lukošiūnas, Algirdas; Sakavičius, Dalius; Kubilius, Ričardas; Sabalys, Gintautas Pranas; Juodžbalys, Gintaras. Reconstructions of osseous jaws defects using autografts and allografts / A. Lukosiunas, D. Sakavicius, R. Kubilius, G. Sabalys, G. Juodzbalys // Stomatologija : Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal : First International Baltic Osseointegration Academy (BOA) Congress “Thoughtful Look to the Nowadays Problems in Oral Implantology” : Kaunas, Lithuania, 12–13 June, 2009 / Baltic Osseointegration Academy Kaunas : Viešoji įstaiga „Odontologijos studija“. (Abstracts.). ISSN 1392-8589. 2009, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 6, no. #12.
Sakavičius, Dalius; Juodžbalys, Gintaras; Lukošiūnas, Algirdas. Displacement of a dental implant into the maxillary sinus: the causes and treatment / Dalius Sakavičius, Gintaras Juodžbalys, Algirdas Lukošiūnas // Programa ir pranešimų santraukos : Antrasis tarptautinis kongresas „Nauji pasiekimai dantų implantacijoje“ : 2010 m. rugsėjo 10–11 d., Kaunas. Lietuva = Programme and abstract book : The Second International BOA Congress “New Achievements in Implant Dentistry” : Kaunas, Lithuania 10–11 September, 2010 / Baltijos osteointegracijos Akademija/Baltic Osseintegration Academy ; [BAO prezidentas Gintaras Juodžbalys]. [Kaunas] : Baltijos osteointegracijos Akademija, 2010. (Main session’s presentations (Abstracts 15 to 26).). ISBN 9789955905059. p. 29–30, no. #25.
Participation and presentations in conferences:

The First International Congress of the Baltic Osseointegration Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania, 12 June 2009.
The Second International Congress of the Baltic Osseointegration Academy, Kaunas, Lithuania, 10–12 September 2010.
Participation in Scientific Societies (Boards):

Member of the Board of the Lithuanian Maxillofacial Surgeons Society. Areas of research and interests: facial traumatology, complications of injuries. Areas of pedagogical interests: maxillofacial surgery.

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